Ernst-Moritz Arndt
University Greifswald
The reason to start the building process is the clearance of the buildings that already took place at the historical site of the Greifwald Children Clinic. In the future the building complex at Soldermannstreet will be used as part of the Botanic and the Landscape Ecology Institute as well as for the institute of Zoology. The entire area is regarded as a listed district.
Project data:
Building Owner: Betrieb für Bau und Liegenschaften Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rostock
GFA: 2.260 m²
Dates: 2011 – 2013
VOF procedure 2011, 1st rank
The external appearance of the building arises from its internal function. Different types of use accordingly are formalised in different window types. Those in front of the laboratories and evaluation rooms consist of two parts. The skylight construction provides the labs with natural light and can also be used to cool the spaces down at night. The window below is equipped with an external sunblind fulfilling the requirements during warm summers. The façade itself is build of a combination of a mineral plaster tiles curtain wall with ground finish and metal panel cladding.