DLR Research building
DLR-RY, Bremen

The DLR-RY in Bremen is a new research building for the Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt located on the edge of the university campus. The existing Ecom1 building is interlinked by a bridge and extended by a two level laboratory building.


Joint venture with Architects BDA Feldschnieders+Kister
Building Owner: Deutsches Zentrum
für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V.
GFA: 3.850 m²
Awarded through VOF procedure

The assembly of compact satellites and other aerospace equipment requires highly specialized laboratory facilities and rooms. Clean rooms and workshops for systems technology are required in addition to highly specialised laboratory equipment and spaces. The outside of the building is another indicator of technological innovation: showing close resemblance to a heat shield, the façade is build out of a shell of ceramic tiles with diamond-shaped fitting.